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Antifouling Y 88

Antifouling Y 88 D 17 **

- with gliding- and non-blocking effect -

Product is discontinued and no longer available.

Antifouling Y 88 is a tin-free, non polluting Antifouling, which should be applied in very thin layers forming a very smooth surface. These features guarantee a safe anti-fouling effect combined with best results of not polluting the water. Antifouling Y88 is suitable for every type of water including that in the North and Baltic Seas. The boat can be coated up to six months before launching. It is not necessary to sand the coated surface before launching or in the following year before recoating. Antifouling Y 88 is used for the underwater area of wood or polyester yachts and boats. Moreover, it can also be used on old coatings containing Teflon. It is not suitable for aluminium.

Data sheet
DIN safety data sheet - copper
DIN safety data sheet - anthracite

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Biotox-Hart-Antifouling D 91 **

Biotox-Hart-Antifouling, tin-free is a non polluting antifouling substance suitable for every type of boat-building material. A high content of active agents provides safe protection against fouling in every type of water. A slight sanding of Biotox-Hart-Antifouling-Graphit also produces a gliding effect (racing boats). Launching is necessary within six months, or with graphite, within 3 months. No sanding is necessary for a year.

Data sheet
DIN safety data sheet - blue
DIN safety data sheet - black

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Kupferbronze-Antifouling D 89 **

Product is discontinued and no longer available.

Kupferbronze-Antifouling is a tin-free, non polluting antifouling substance with a high content of metallic copper. It is suitable for fresh and brackish water, but only for wood or polyester boats. Kupferbronze-Antifouling can be applied until three months before launching, but the surface should be sanded smooth immediately before launching.

Data sheet
DIN safety data sheet

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Rhumbeline-Antifouling D 90 **

Rhumbeline-Antifouling is a tin-free, non polluting self-activating antifouling substance with a copolymer base. The copper compounds and modern algicides produce safe protection against fouling in every type of water. This always guarantees a smooth surface and effectiveness independent of abrasion. It is suitable for every type of boats. The Rhumbeline-Antifouling can be applied up to 6 months before launching. When overcoating the following year, no sanding is necessary.

Data sheet
DIN safety data sheet - red
DIN safety data sheet - blue
DIN safety data sheet - white
DIN safety data sheet - black

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